Lionhearted Soul Seeds
with Sue Penrose-Gould
a Guide for Transformation and Sacred Healing
'I am a seed in the flower of life.'
Lionhearted Soul Seeds
Inspirational Seeds for your Lionhearted Soul
so you may Celebrate Life with
Courage and Heart
Lionhearted Soul Seeds are resource offerings including a free Celebrating Life online course, ceremony suggestions to honour birth and death in all in their guises, a drumming track for meditation journeying and an audio track 'Meeting Compassion'. All here to assist you to create peace and celebration in your life.
To be lionhearted is to live with courage and heart, to live with love and compassion for ourselves and all species with whom we share this beautiful planet. We are, as we know, in truth 'One'. That is, our true essence transcends all physical and non-physical forms that we know of and are aware of. Yet here we are - living in diverse organic forms on a physical planet. Here we are experiencing challenges and joys and doing the best we can, moving from trust to absolute knowing that when the fog lifts our ultimate experience is peace.
As a Sacred Healer I assist both people and animals through healings for mind, body and spirit whilst honouring our relationship with Mother Earth. Ceremonies and sacred healings are as unique as we each are. With experience of assisting at all stages of life - whether creating ceremony whilst planting a tree with a mother and baby placenta or honouring a life passed or assisting during a life transition that is causing trauma or confusion - you can be assured that I will assist as best I can with integrity and confidentiality.
May these seeds offered here grow beautiful life for you.
Honouring our Birth
Being born is a key experience in our life.
We wouldn't be here without it! Yet we pay it hardly any attention. Here is a simple yet profound ceremony you can do for yourself to honour your own birth.
Celebrating Life
How amazing is this! You are alive. There is nothing airy-fairy about this. We experience 'life' through a vast range of events and emotions in a body and mind that is as versatile as it is vulnerable. Our habits can hurt as much as heal - ourselves and all others we are sharing these experiences with. When we celebrate we live courageously with love and compassion. Here is a Soul Seed as a Free Course and another as an opportunity to listen and celebrate with animals.
Honouring Death
Death is inevitable. Each death is unique and each an opportunity to honour a life lived. Here are soul seeds to honour the lives of other species - whether wild nature or dearly loved animal companions - and a ceremony for your own use to honour the little and large deaths you experience in life. All prepare us for our own inevitable passing.
Shamanic Drumming to assist your journeys and meditations. Listen with headphones for best experience.
Meeting Compassion: a personal account of meeting with an ancient story of compassion in Nepal. Listen with headphones for best experience.
Be Lionhearted
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In reciprocity for these soul seeds you are invited to donate to the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a conservation NGO which leads the way with transformative initiatives that benefit people, land and animals.
The Celebrating Life free course invites donations for the Sumatran Orangutan Society through