Lionhearted Soul Seeds
with Sue Penrose-Gould
a Guide for Transformation and Sacred Healing
'I am a seed in the flower of life.'
Remembrance and Practicalities
for when an animal dies
When a dear one dies we remember them with love.
Simple, heart-full ways ease our pain as they also ease the passage of the loved one's soul to peace.
Here, I offer simple ideas and words to assist you as you find your own way to honour the life of the animal just departed.
Please also look at my Shamanic Healing page if you are looking for further assistance.
Maybe you are creating a ceremony in your garden or somewhere in nature for a dear departed animal companion.
Maybe you are offering blessings to an animal you have found dead on a road or while out and about walking the countryside.
Maybe you have come across a social media post of an animal who has died as a result of human cruelty and conflict and you feel helpless.
For You in Your Own Space and Time
Remembrance Ceremony for Animals
is a page for ceremony blessings and suggested action to honour the life departed and those lives yet to come.
Here are some useful links to assist you if you have just lost a beloved animal companion or are in a hospice state preparing for such. Also links if you have found a wild animal - injured or who has died.
The Association for Private Pet Cremation and Cemeteries website outlines what's what and a code of ethics to be aware of when making your choices. If you are considering a home garden burial there are guidelines here also.
APPCC Website | Wesite of the Association of Private Pet Cemeteries and Crematoria
The Blue Cross offer Bereavement Support when a animal companion passes on:
Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service | Pet Loss
This link may be useful if you come across an animal dead at the side of the road or on your walks out and about:
Report a dead or injured animal - GOV.UK (
Other useful links:
Pet Bereavement - Coping with Pet Loss | RSPCA
What To Do With Injured Wild Animals | RSPCA
What To Do With Orphaned Wild Animals | RSPCA
Remember a dog or cat may well be chipped and their people can be informed of the circumstances - so its worth contacting a vet or call the RSPCA to ask for assistance here.
These links are for the UK and correct to the best of my knowledge.
If you are outside of the UK, maybe these links will give you an idea what to look for wherever you are. Each country is different yet the ethics are universal.
Remembrance Healing Circle
Each month, at the dark of the moon which is just before the new moon, I sit in circle with animal ancestors. If you would like me to offer peace and healing for the animal whose death you are honouring please send me their details.
As an act of reciprocity for this work on your behalf I invite you to contribute to the Pause for Paws Grove - part of a project with Trees for Life to re-wild and restore native habitat for wildlife in the Caledonian Forest, Scotland. £6 will ensure a Tree Sapling is planted for you.
Pause for Paws - Trees for Life
For more information about native wildlife and Trees for Life:
Scotland's native trees, plants and animals | Trees for Life