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Pause for Paws Remembrance Healing Circle

This Remembrance Healing Circle is held each Dark Moon.

If you have experienced the loss of an animal friend or have come across any animal who you would like included in this monthly ceremony please contact me with details.

Thank you.

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Each month I hold sacred space to honour and remember any animals recently departed who are named to me by people such as yourself. Also included are any animals - wild, farmed and domesticated - that have come in to my awareness to be included in this ceremony.

Together with my allies, a number of animal ancestors are present to assist.


The ceremony includes sacred sound and is held with reverence for the elements of our beautiful earthly life and for the happiness of all beings.


May all beings be free from suffering and its causes.

May all beings experience inner and outer peace in this life and beyond.

May all beings enjoy the causes and effects of unconditional love.


Sometimes an animal comes to my attention who asks for deeper work for transition to peace.

This work takes place at a separate time.


You are invited to plant a tree in memory of the animal who you would like included in this circle at the Pause for Paws Grove with Trees for Life.




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