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Voices for Change 5

I am just back from Southern Africa. There is a place there where all life is loved and respected unconditionally: the lands stewarded by the Global White Lion Protection Trust

It is exquisite. The air is fresh. All is 'at ease and 'at one'.

Back in the UK, needs must, I find myself in the nearest big town. All surfaces are man-made within stores packed with consumer goods and consumers. The 'air' is stale and falsely heated. There is a sign when leaving a shopping centre which reads "next time bring your dog". Why?! The ones I see have screened themselves off, their souls left somewhere else so they may survive this. The people, when I dare to look, are a confused mix of hyper-play, earnest rush and watchful retraction. And like the dogs, often 'glazed off'.

It was all rather like finding oneself within a balloon.

Burst out!

Break out from the trap of this man-u-factured party prop. It is time to reclaim the party you are always, by your very existence, eco-centrically - not ego-centrically - a part of: Nature.

Reclaim who you naturally, truly are and you will be rewarded with Life.

Fine words! But how do we do this?

How do we break out of a balloon which is tied from the outside? How do we claw traction on the soggy surface of a plastic, falsely coloured world we find ourselves in and quite possibly feel trapped in?

On the bus out of town I notice a tree, autumnal with loss.

"I see you." My inner voice reaches out as it sounds within my heart. And the tree ever so slightly shimmers with acknowledgment: "And I see you" is the reply.

Being a natural guest within Nature's party is this seeing and acknowledging within our heart. It is a soul thing for all living beings and the elements that sustain us.

Today you may see little of the natural world in your living environment. You may see much more. Whatever it is you do see, notice and acknowledge in your heart: "I see you."

Little by little, the air will clear, the tree, the plant will breathe with you. And you, we, can begin to relax into mutual breath which is our natural life. A living that is connected, mutually woven in a fabric we call 'Life'.

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