Lionhearted Soul Seeds
with Sue Penrose-Gould
a Guide for Transformation and Sacred Healing
'I am a seed in the flower of life.'
Pause for Paws
Assisting Animals with Love
I offer Shamanic Healing and Reiki to animals and other non-human life, in person and through distance healing. This offer can also include scared healing for people.
At each Dark Moon I hold a Remembrance Ceremony to honour the lives of any animals who have passed away and have come to my attention during the last lunar month. If you would like an animal to be named during this ceremony do contact me. Please consider planting a tree in their memory with thanks for this service. Pause for Paws Grove at Trees for Life.
Each Full Moon I hold a Ceremony to Celebrate Life. This Celebration Ceremony focusses on the beauty of animals, restoratively re-storying the future so all animals may flourish and thrive.
Remembrance and Practicalities
Useful links to assist you if you have just lost a beloved animal companion or are in a hospice state preparing for such. Also links if you have found a wild animal - injured or who has died.
Remembrance Ceremony
Each month sacred space is created and held to honour and remember any animals recently departed. Please contact me to include an animal in tis ceremony.
Giving Thanks
An invitation to give thanks for a life by contributing to the Pause for Paws Grove - part of a project with Trees for Life to restore native habitat for wildlife.